To reach me photo

Element from the past

Guy Roy

see below


Tourist poster

The past

We never know when something from the past will surface. Let me explain myself.

A few months ago, my daughter Mélanie started working at the Ministry of Tourism in Quebec. As part of her new role, she had to undergo several days of training. During one of her breaks, she looked at the posters that were displayed in her training room. One of the posters caught his eye. A photo in this one looked familiar. She came closer and exclaimed: But he's my father! Surprised, she informed her colleagues. Of course, everyone was amazed at this amazing coincidence. She called me to let me know of her discovery. I was very surprised in my turn, but I finally remembered the circumstances of this photograph.

It goes back more than 25 years. I was painting in Saint-Irénée in the magnificent region of Charlevoix, when two men came to meet me and asked permission to photograph me while I was painting. They informed me that they were photographers and that they worked for the government of Quebec. They created an image bank for the various ministries. I naturally accepted and signed the necessary papers in order to give my agreement to the future publication of the images.

This is how I ended up being part of the advertising campaign for the Ministry of Tourism in Quebec. Since then, my photo has also been on the cover of the well-known newspaper The Gazette in Montreal. Of course, there were probably other posts that I don't know about, but the two I witnessed made me smile.

Posted on January 26, 2017 by Guy Roy | Category: Miscellaneous






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